
Contact and Meeting Information

Assessment of Board of Review

Meeting The 4th Wednesday in May

Name Phone Term Expires
Lawrence R. Hoell 467-4391 9/30/2026
George J. Lang 467-5455 9/30/2027

Hours: Wednesdays & Fridays 8:30am-12pm

Name Phone Term
Becky Ottens 467-5093 10/1/19-9/30/25
Broome County
Name Phone
Jason Garnar, County Executive 778-2109
Scott D. Baker,Legislator-2nd District 723-7905
Code Enforcement

Hours: Thursdays 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., Saturdays 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.

Name Phone
Pete Hathaway 761-7536
Code Enforcement Officer & Mobile Home/Flood Plain Administrator


Name Phone Term Expires
Pete Hathaway 467-5093 12/31/2025
Dog Control Officer
Name Phone Term Expires
Jessica Moore 201-8479 12/31/2025

New York State Law: All dogs (4 months and older) are required to be licensed.

You can license your dog in the Town Clerk’s Office.

You will need to provide current proof of your dog’s rabies vaccination, and proof of your dog’s spaying / neutering (if applicable), as well as the location where the dog will be living. NOTE: Post Office Box addresses are not acceptable.


  • 1) Remember that dog license renewals need to be renewed every year. You will receive a renewal form each year in the mail from the Town of Sanford Clerk’s Office. You may mail the renewal form in with a check for the appropriate amount made payable to “Town of Sanford Town Clerk” and send it to Town of Sanford, Town Clerk, 91 Second St, Deposit, NY 13754.
  • 2) Be sure to keep your Rabies vaccinations UP TO DATE. We cannot renew your dog’s license without current proof of rabies vaccinations. If your rabies certificate is expired at the time of renewal, be sure to include a new proof of rabies vaccination. Also, if you have spayed/neutered your dog since the last renewal, be sure to include proof of that as well. It will save you money. (See #3)
  • 3) Fees for licensing dogs:
    • If your dog IS NOT spayed or neutered: $20.00 ANNUAL FEE
    • If your dog IS spayed or neutered: $10.00 ANNUAL FEE (PROOF REQUIRED)
  • 4) Instead of coming into the office directly, you may also mail any current rabies certificates and proof of spaying/neutering directly to the Town Clerk office to update them at ANYTIME (along with your renewal form is a good time) and these changes will be noted. Also, please inform us of any changes such as a loss of your dog or transfer to a new owner. The address is Town of Sanford, Town Clerk, 91 Second St, Deposit, NY 13754.
  • 5) Whatever month you FIRST licensed your dog will ALWAYS be the month that renewal is due, regardless of when you pay it. For example, if you originally licensed your dog in August, the renewal will always be due in August. If you pay it late (for example, in September or October), it will STILL be due again the following August; NOT in September or October. A $5.00 late fee shall be imposed for failure to renew a dog’s license prior to the expiration period of a previous license.
  • 6) Be sure to have your dog’s license on your dog at all times. In the event your dog gets lost, this will help insure his/her safe return to you. The DCO Officer immediately checks for tags, then places a phone call to the owners to return the dog. Any dog that can NOT be returned to the owner will go to the Broome County Humane Society.
Emergency Numbers
Service Phone
Fire & Ambulance 911
Poison Information 723-8929
Broome County Sheriff 778-1911
New York State Police 467-3215
Village Clerk 467-2492
Motor Vehicle Office 467-3208
Senior Citizen Nutrition Center 467-3953
Highway Department

Phone: 467-2923
Fax: 467-6450

Name Term Expires
Leo C. Shew, HWY Supt. 12/31/2026
Richard Gifford 12/31/2025
Name Phone Term Expires
John O’Connor 607-467-5516 12/31/2025
Justice Court

Address: 18 Church Street Deposit, NY

In-person Judge’s Hours: Tuesday 9AM – 11AM and Wednesday 3PM – 5PM – excluding holidays

By Phone: Clerk’s Hours: Tuesday and Thursdays 8AM – Noon, Wednesdays 1PM – 5PM

*This is subject to change! The most up-to-date information will be on our VOICEMAIL RECORDING*

Scheduled Pre-trials and Non-Jury Trials: First Friday of the month 9:00am – excluding holidays
Office: 467-2516
Fax: 467-2297

Name Term Expires
Roger Singleton, Justice 12/31/2028
Gary Holdrege, Justice 12/31/2025
Jennifer Valentine, Court Clerk 12/31/2025
Rita Conklin, Assistant Clerk 12/31/2025


Mobile Home and Park Permits Flood Plain and Code Enforcement Officer
Name Phone Term Expires
Pete Hathaway 467-5093 12/31/2025
Oquaga Lake Sewer

Note: The association’s name is The Oquaga Lake Improvement Association, Inc. (OLIA)

Name Phone Term Expires
Scott Conklin 624-0314 Contract
Planning Board

Meeting: The Planning Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 7pm, or as needed.
Please contact the Town Clerk to confirm.

Name Phone Term Expires
Kermit Mott Jr, Chairperson 467-4124 12/31/2025
Barbara Marko, Member 12/31/2028
Paul F. VanSlyke, Member 467-3076 12/31/2027
Cassie Woodford, Member 12/31/2026
Supervisor Secretary


Name Phone Expires
Kristin Canedo 467-1910 12/31/2025
Town Attorney

Phone: 1-877-COUGHLIN
Address:99 Corp. Drive, Binghamton, NY 13904

Name Email
Nick Cortese
Town Board

Meetings: 2nd Tues. of the month 7:00pm

Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar of Vital Statistics/Records Management

Sells NYS Hunting and Fishing licenses;
Phone: 467-3214
Fax: 467-5414
Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am-12pm & 1pm-4pm, Friday 8:30 am – 12pm; excluding holidays

Name Term Expires
Deborah Proffitt, Officer 12/31/2028
Zoning Board

Meetings: Stated Advertised Meetings 7:00pm

Name Phone Term Expires
John Alfano, Chairperson 467-5742 12/31/2025
Kurt Vagts, Member 467-1019 12/31/2027
John Alfano, Member 467-5742 12/31/2028
Kevin Lovely, Member 12/31/2026
Lawrence Hoell, Member 12/31/2029
Jane Ayres, Member 12/31/2028