Text My Gov

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Text the Town of Sanford, NY
Skip a phone call and use your mobile phone’s text messaging service to find information and report issues on the go.
Access Information
You can send a text message to the Town using simple keywords to find information such as: COURT, PERMIT, LIBRARY, ASSESOR, or SEWER.
Report Issues
Easily report an issue to the Town by texting REPORT or an issue-specific keyword such as: CODE VIOLATION, TREE DOWN, ANIMAL CONTROL, TALL GRASS, or POTHOLE.
24/7 Texting Service
Smart texting technology identifies keywords texted in to provide immediate assistance. It can relay information back to you or guide you through a few steps to complete a report.
Get Started
Text to the Town of Sanford at: 607.298.8222
Save our number to your phone and text HI anytime you need it.
Msg & Data rates apply. View terms and privacy policy info at: textmygov.com/opt-in-terms-conditions/
Get Notifications from the Town!
Text “SANFORD” to 91896 to receive Town-wide Notifications
Text “SANFORDSEWER” to 91896 to receive Oquaga Lake Sewer District Notifications*
*Joining the SANFORDSEWER Notifications group will automatically allow you to also receive Town-Wide Notifications in addition to Oquaga Lake Sewer District Notifications. There is no need to join both lists.